Go for toned meat and food that does not have a lot of body fat within it. Should you enjoy oily food products, like French fries, you are more likely to have problems with acid reflux disease. Consider checking the food for a full week to...详细内容
Improving your versatility will tremendously assist you to throughout a game. If you're flexible, you'll have the capacity to move defenders far better. Versatility will assist you to transfer greater when you're becoming impeded. You'll be...详细内容
西医学认为引起性欲低下的原因较为复杂,多分为以下几方面 ...详细内容
中医认为本病主要为七情所伤,与精神因素有关。此外,亦与素体虚弱或因患他疾而导致脏腑、经络功能失常有关。 ...详细内容
男子性欲减退,是指已婚者在较长一段时间内,出现明显对性生活要求减少或缺乏的现象。正常人的性欲要求常因各自的体质强弱和所处环境不同而有很大的差异。所以,判断性欲减退与否,只宜与各自以往的性欲作纵向比较,不宜与他人的性欲作横向比较。 ...详细内容

- 别让性冷淡摧毁你的生活 (209)
- 西医是如何看待性欲低下 (190)
- 男性长期吃素食可致性欲减 (180)
- 哪些原因导致男子性欲减退 (178)
- 男性如何检查性功能 (167)
- 防治性欲低下 (158)
- 为什么性欲减退 (149)
- 性欲障碍的病因学分析 (144)
- 性欲低下的表现 (122)
- 自查性欲减退 (121)